Monday, February 28, 2005

Expecting Insanity

In two months' time, I'll be 19 years away from going mad. It's a disease that breeds true in the males of our clan. By the time we're 40 or so, we start making irrational decisions, make great efforts to satisfy the most ridiculous whims, forsake all of our friends, and leave our wife and take an ugly prostitute for a concubine and leave our family in the ditch.

I also fear that this madness deteriorates from generation to generation. I'll simplify by referring to myself as the third generation. The first generation wasn't so bad I suppose. After all, my grandparents were still together at the time of their deaths. So is their sisters and brothers. Yes, the males had their share of debauchery, the fact that they stayed with their wives till the end is commendable at the least. An uncle of mine, the eldest of their brood, suffered the madness as well. His eldest and youngest offsprings were of different mothers. His legal family, trapped in the middle. But in the last years of his life, even when the businesses cannot be rebuilt, and he never got the chance to reclaim his former wealth, he at least died with the love of his own family. He returned. And he left happy.

I wouldn't be so sure about his brothers. After all, he was considered the most intelligent of their pack. The younger two absolutely went wild after the deaths of their parents. Apparently the single strand that held our family together was their unspoken power. And with their deaths it was gone. The revered house abruptly crumbled to an imitation of hell. The once laughter-filled halls now only echo the sorrow of their youngest sister, and perhaps the grief of our grandparents for their stray sons.

Their only sister never got the chance to experience life to the fullest, to have a career, to have a family of her own. While she babysat every single one of her brothers' legal children, she never held one of her own. She hovered by her parents' deathbeds, while her brothers "lived their lives." Now she sits alone, while foul-mouthed prostitutes play Queens at the once respected household.

What if the madness that will take over me, my brothers and cousins be much worse? Sadly enough, save for a cousin in Canada, we're all males, all susceptible to the insanity. Two brothers are in the US, another two in Bacolod, one in Bulacan, and another though practically near, too young. We've tried diplomacy, but how can you talk a madman to sanity? We've tried compromise, but one-sided sacrifice can never be called such. What can be done when we're not willing to take the lives of worthless prostitutes? Or when we're too tender-hearted to wish for the death of our own blood?

They (the brothers) say, that it couldn't be helped. That we also have our faults. My uncle even told me that when I get married, I'll understand. So does that mean every man is an irresponsible slob incapable of monogamy? Or was it just the madness taking over? Yes, it is true that there are faults to each side, but does that justify everything?

The solution can only come in the form of a divine intervention, a genuine miracle. It'll have to break the rule regarding free will. Me, I'm left with a choice, did my father and my uncle suffer madness? Or is it true that love potions and spells actually work. I'd like to believe the mystic path, for I see no reason why a perfectly sane man, would take an ugly, foul-mouthed prostitute, to replace their educated wives.

This is why I envy "angsty" teenagers. They feel so oppressed when they don't get to express themselves, when their parents don't notice them, when they feel so "MISUNDAZTOOD." Someday I'd like to create a situation I can bitch about. Like, buy a skintight pair of leather pants and then worry about what people might say. Worrying about problems wherein you actually know that the solution is simply stop worrying about it since it's not a worrisome thing anyway is possibly bliss.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

That fucking tax thing

One look at my measly pay slip got my looking up all the words in my curse dictionary again. A simple computation and I saw that I was being taxed at 15%. And relatively, I don't know what that means, only that it's biting off a huge portion of my highly-negligeable salary.

In reference to the hundreds of columnists all over, "Where the fuck are my taxes going?!" Seriously now, I'm starting on looking at those Expeditions with "8" plates with contempt. Never been much of a tibak myself, but geez, with the money I'm dishing, I might as well expect some good hospitals, roads, and other services. And the sad truth is, there is no such thing here.

*takes on a nationalistic stance, hand over heart, simulating booming voice dripping with passion for country* Now I understand the wrath of the Filipino people. This is a despicable country. And the government expects professionals to stay? There's no such thing as a future here for honest (read: non-corrupt) people. Writers can file their fingers to dust typing away with how much the government, and every citizen must help each other for progress. Activists can scream chants and go hungry for the rest of their lives, radio commentators can waste all their spittle for nothing.

Whew! All that anger over a blasted pay slip... Might as well use the "relative misery" technique. In other lands like Djibouti, Somalia, or in planets like Omicron Persei 8, in parallel dimensions, some other nutcase is bitching over greater sorrow. There are people who can barely afford food and shelter. There are people with more pain and probably an unknown, incurable and extremely painful disease. Some CIA agent is getting his skin peeled off inch by inch in some torture chamber somewhere. And...

Nope, it doesn't lighten my load at all. Not by one fucking bit. I still don't see how people get comforted by the thought that other people are having an even harder time than they are.

***you've just read another annoying complaint in life by someone you don't know or hardly care about. Ah, the wonders of technology.***

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

intro and disclaimer

They say writing regularly, like say in a journal or diary improves your writing skill. Yeah, right. There are also people who say that you don't need a degree in Creative Writing or in Journalism to be a good writer. They're probably right. There are columnists, a number of journalists and -- ah let's just say published folk to get them all -- who don't know shit about writing.
If you're reading this, and you're not me, it probably means you have read other blogs as well (and an equal probability that you haven't, but, what the heck). It also means that you've had your share of crappy writing and bitching. Well you're in luck, you're about to get some more.
While it may not be as crappy as you'd expect, you are guaranteed the same old blabbering in the guise of self-expression.