Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Thy Enemies' Arsenal

The last journal post was about what you can carry, so this one will be the stuff that evildoers would use against you. Sadly, it's been years since my last streetfight and I have completely transformed to a total wimp. :-( I saw this mobster flick starring Vin Diesel, Seth Green, and some Latinos I don't know on HBO during the Easter weekend. Vin Diesel had that speech about requiring 500 streetfights before you actually achieve that "toughness." Os something to that effect.
Well, since it's absolutely unsafe to go off on random skirmishes, the next best thing would be to simply know tactics theoretically.
Here's an unupdated list of common thug weapons:

Pana-- as it sounds. It's a dart propelled by a strap of rubber, (like a slingshot). If you're old enough to remember those Tagalog movies featuring local gangsters (think sige sige sputnik). I haven't seen one lately. But then again I'm not a Tondo kid.
defense- you just have to hope that the one with the darts is a lousy shot. Unless you're fast enough to deflect or catch the arrows, running is still the best option.

Sumpak-- it's a homemade shotgun. It's basically a steel pipe that's supposed to resemble the barrel of a shotgun. A hammer-like device, usually a nail is at the bottom end of the pipe where shotgun shells are loaded. Extremely inaccurate. Unless made by a retired gunsmith turned mobster.
defense-- keep distance. At worst you'll get stung by the pellets. It's almost impossible to aim at a distance. But you're dead at point blank. It's still a shotgun after all.

Pillbox-- I don't know why an explosive device is called a pillbox. It's some sort of throwable bomb that uses flying debris to inflict most of the damage. Just like a grenade's shrapnels. Never learned how to make one so, I'm not really sure what it's made of.
defense-- none really if it blows off close to you. If you're far enough you can try ducking and covering your head. Again running away is best if possible.

Icepick-- One of the deadliest melee weapons around. Causes internal bleeding and you're likely to die from your icepick wound. For a while a lot of murders were done with this weapon.
defense-- none. Try not to get too close with the thug holding the icepick. Bad news is, if you're being held-up, the perpetrator is already breathing on your neck, with an icepick pointed at your throat (or somewhere else). If you're no martial artist, better cooperate if held at icepick point.

29-- yep they have those too. The trick from distinguishing an inept from a virtuoso (at least roughly) is by the way they flip the knife. If he uses two hands to open a 29, he's an idiot with a knife. That psychology thing with knives apply. If the thug holds the knife like the Psycho in the shower scene, he's got his mind on stabbing you. Not that he won't stab you from some other stance of course.
defense-- If he's intimidating you with wonderful flip-flap knife-play run away, or throw something at him. There's a slight delay with that flip-flap thing because it only had two rotations--open and close. That means the knife is not lethal 50% of his juggle time. Better not risk it though.

Tubo/ dos-por-dos-- It's used like a cudgel. Self-explanatory. A bash to the head and you'll be out cold.
defense-- keep distance and distract them with handy projectiles e.g., rocks, cans, bottles...Then the best plan of all, run away.

Panyo na may bato-- I don't think anyone made a name for this one. The idea is to have a rock (or any hard object) in a handkerchief held to look like's David (that bible character who took out Goliath) slingshot. Extremely dangerous. It's very hard to dodge.
defense-- It has a quick recovery time each swing. The only opening would be when he swings vertically, and he'd have to be a complete idiot to do that. If you're running away, keep an eye on the holder because the rock on the sling can be thrown at you.

Chain-- Slow, but quite punishing. I carried one in the right leg of my pants back in high school. Very uncomfortable. I only used it for intimidating purposes. It hurts but it's not so bad if they don't get you in the head.
defense-- If you're trapped and can't run away, cover your head. Sure your arms will hurt, but that's mostly just cuts and bruises, it's the concussions you're trying to avoid.

On a closing note, it's quite obvious that running away is the universal solution. Ardeth Bay (The Mummy Returns) said it best, "Live today, fight tomorrow." I think that in terms of my WIMP philosophy, the idea is to never fight when you're not in the advantage, or never fight at all. Please feel free to add to the list. It might come in handy sometime. If it doesn't, well, it was a good way to kill some time. :-)


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